How to obtain a copy of your Certificate of Company Registration from ASIC

Last updated: 23 October 2024

When your Australian company was first registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), you (or the person applying on your behalf) would have received either a PDF or paper Certificate of Company Registration. This Certificate is an important document that is required for many legal, financial and government-related purposes. In particular, when applying for business finance, the Certificate will need to be provided to your broker and/or lender as part of the loan application process.

If you are unable to locate your Certificate of Company Registration, you can apply directly to ASIC to receive a copy of your Certificate. You can apply by lodging an ASIC Form 960. There are two ways to do this:

1) Apply online via ASIC Connect

2) Apply via post

Apply for your Certificate via ASIC Connect

Firstly, visit the ASIC Connect website.

In the Search ASIC Registers section, select Organisation & Business Names from the dropdown list labelled "Search within:". Enter your company name in the field labelled "For:" and click the Go button.

On the next screen, if there is an exact search match, you will see your company details. Otherwise, you will see a list of possible matching companies so you will need to look through the list to find your company. Once you have found the right company, click on it to navigate to the company details screen.

Scroll down the screen until you see the Certificates section. Click the checkbox on the right of the section to select it. Next click the Add to Cart button at the bottom and, after you see the confirmation message, click the Checkout button.

On the next screen you will see your Shopping Cart. Click the Pay Now button to start the checkout process.

On the next screen, enter the email address where you would like the Certificate to be sent. Click the Next button.

On the next screen you need to complete your card details and click the Submit button to complete payment.

After your payment is successfully processed, you will be directed to a page where you can view and print your Certificate. ASIC will also send an email to your nominated email address with links to your Certificate and receipt.

Apply for your Certificate via post

If you're old school and don't mind waiting a couple of weeks to receive your Certificate, you can lodge your application form via snail mail. Simply follow these steps:

1) Visit the ASIC website Form 960 page

2) Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the Paper Lodgement section

3) Click the link to download a PDF of the Form 960

4) Print out the form

5) Complete and sign the printed form

6) Send your completed form to:
           Australian Securities and Investments Commission
           PO Box 4000
           Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841

7) ASIC will send you an invoice

8) Pay the invoice via BPay, Post Billpay or Cheque.