Last updated: 24 October 2024
In Australia, the ATO Integrated Client Account Statement is a document that provides a comprehensive list of a business’s activity statement transactions with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). It covers your tax liabilities and payments, including PAYG withholding, GST and FBT.
If your business is not registered for GST, an Integrated Client Account Statement will not be available.
Lenders (or your broker) typically request a copy of your ATO Integrated Client Account Statement to get an accurate picture of your tax situation. There are several reasons for this:
Tax Compliance: Lenders want to confirm that your business is up-to-date with its tax obligations. Outstanding tax debts or ongoing issues with the ATO can signal financial mismanagement and increase risk for the lender.
Cash Flow Insight: The statement helps lenders understand how much of your business’s cash flow is going toward tax payments. This impacts their assessment of your ability to meet interest and principal repayments on a new loan.
Financial Responsibility: A history of paying taxes on time reflects well on your business’s overall financial responsibility, while outstanding debts may raise red flags.
Tax Debt Prioritisation: Lenders also know that tax debts always rank first should the business enter into administration due to financial hardship or insolvency. Money owed to the ATO takes precedence over repaying a business loan, meaning lenders might not be repaid.
Submitting a clean and up-to-date ATO Integrated Client Account Statement helps build trust with lenders and shows that your business is in good financial standing.
Firstly, visit the ATO's Online Services for Business Login page.
Click the Login button.
You will be directed to log in via the myGovID login screen.
If you don't have a myGovID set up, click the purple link "Set one up" to get started.
If you have a myGovID, enter your registered email address and click the Get code button.
A notification message will be sent to the myGovID app installed on your mobile phone. Click the notification message to open the mobile app, where you will be asked to approve the login by entering a four digit code.
Once you've logged in successfully, you will be asked to choose the entity whose tax records you wish to access. Select the relevant entity for you and click the Next button.
Next you will see the ATO home screen for the entity you selected. Click the Accounts and payments dropdown and select Accounts summary.
Now you will see the Accounts summary screen. It has all the tax accounts listed for your entity. Click the Activity statement link.
On the following screen you will see a summary of all Activity statement transactions over the past 2 years.
Click the Print-friendly version button near the top left of the screen. Now print and save a PDF copy of your Integrated Client Account Statement to share with your broker or lender.
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